Special Bonuses for Committed DUOLIFE Club Members within the “Effective Growth” programme. It’s a programme like never before, and a unique opportunity to get a special Bonus: 1) up to 1,000,000 BP for the Promoted Person; 2) up to 100,000 BP for the Recommending Person. Details can be found HERE.

Investor relations

The Investor Relations tab is a space created for shareholders, investors and capital market analysts. Here you will find current information about DuoLife shareholding structure and authorities as well as all investor materials.

We invite investors interested in effectively building the long-term value of their asset portfolio based on mutual trust, honesty and respect.


Główny Akcjonariat spółki DuoLife S.A. Zajmowane stanowisko Udział w kapitale zakładowym
Bartosz Królikowski Prezes Zarządu 15%
Łukasz Godyń Vice-Chairman of the Board 15%
Norbert Janeczek Przewodniczący Rady Nadzorczej 15%
Piotr Pacyga Wiceprzewodniczący Rady Nadzorczej 15%

- powyżej

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[email protected]