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product code: DLLQPVIT010000

Your price 40,70 €
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DUOLIFE Vita C is a food supplement in liquid form, with active ingredients that, among other things, contribute to the maintenance of physical well-being and to the support of the body’s defence functionsa, support the correct functioning of the immune systemb, the proper production of collagenc and the protection of cells from oxidative stressd.

DUOLIFE Vita C – a liquid food supplement composed of carefully selected, naturally sourced ingredients that form a unique composition consistent with the principles of synergism. DUOLIFE Vita C is a combination of fruit juices and valuable plant extracts, such as acerola and camu camu extract.

DUOLIFE Vita C food supplement contains: rosehip juice, acerola juice made of acerola fruit purée, acerola extract, camu camu extract.

a Rosehip contributes to maintaining good physical well-being and supporting the body's defense functions. (ID 3680) 

Rosehip contributes to defending the body against the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. (ID 3682) 

Rosehip supports the maintenance of joint mobility. (ID 4328) 

Rosehip facilitates wound healing. (ID 4473)

b Vitamin C contributes to normal function of the immune system.

c Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, skin, gums, and teeth.

d Vitamin C contributes to protecting cells from oxidative stress.

Vitamin C contributes to reducing the feeling of tiredness and fatigue.

Vitamin C contributes to the maintenance of normal energy-yielding metabolism.

Vitamin C contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system and the maintenance of normal psychological functions.

Vitamin C helps regenerate the reduced form of vitamin E.

Vitamin C increases iron absorption.

Advantages of DUOLIFE Vita C

100% natural origin

Synergy of action

Less is more

Gluten free


Bottle made of glass intended for pharmaceutical use

IHHP fixation

Concentrated formula

Convenient form of application

No added sugar

Preservative- and GMO-free product

Better together


Discover the ingredients of DUOLIFE Vita C

Rosehip fruit juice - rosehip contains an above average amount of vitamin C - 100 g of fresh fruit provide 680-1200 mg of natural vitamin C. In natural environment, vitamin C has a so-called biological background (polyphenols and other active compounds) which has a stabilising and synergistic effect. Rosehip fruit contains over 130 active compounds. Apart from vitamin C, they include a wealth of other antioxidants: carotenoids, flavonoids, and proanthocyanidins. Furthermore:
- vitamins: E and K, as well s B1, B2 and B3 (PP), B6;
- organic acids (malic and citric);
- mineral ingredients, both macroelements (P, K, Ca, Mg) and microelements (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn);
Rosehip contributes to defending the body from contagia. (ID 3682)
Rosehip contributes to maintaining good physical well-being and supporting the body's defense functions. (ID 3680)
Rosehip supports the maintenance of joint mobility. (ID 4328)
Rosehip facilitates wound healing. (ID 4473)

Acerola fruit juice made from acerola fruit purée and acerola fruit extract – acerola fruits contain a very high dose of vitamin C; 100 g of fresh fruit weight contain 1,000-4,500 mg of the vitamin. Acerola fruit extract contained in DUOLIFE Vita C is standardised for a 50% content of this vitamin. Moreover, acerola fruits contain many other valuable compounds, such as anthocyanins and carotenoids, including beta-carotene (provitamin A) and mineral ingredients (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron). Additionally, group B vitamins are also found in these fruits.

Vitamin C:
- contributes to normal function of the immune system;
- helps protect cells from oxidative stress
- contributes to reducing the feeling of tiredness and fatigue;
- contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin, and teeth;
- helps maintain normal energy metabolism;
- contributes to normal function of the nervous system and maintaining normal psychological functions;
- helps regenerate the reduced form of vitamin E;
- increases the absorption of iron.

Camu camu extract - camu camu berries are exceptionally rich in in vitamin C - they contain 850-5000 mg of the vitamin in 100 g of fresh fruit weight. This content is even 50 times higher than in oranges. Besides vitamin C, camu camu berries contain many mineral ingredients and amino acids which increase the absorption of vitamin C. Additionally, they are rich in polyphenols - altogether, above 30 phenolic compounds, including antocyanins and carotenoids (of which 45-55% lutein).

Complementary – the product is complementary with DUOLIFE Vita C Powder, but its composition is completely different – it is worth supplementing both products simultaneously.

Cologne List® - our voluntary commitment for clean sport
DUOLIFE Vita C is included in the Cologne List® which lists products with minimised doping risk.
Cologne List® is an initiative for the prevention of doping handled by the Rhineland Olympic Centre that aims to fulfill the duty to care for the leading athletes it supports. Cologne List® lists food supplements that have been tested for selected anabolic steroids and stimulants by an independent scientific laboratory which is one of the world's leading laboratories in the field of analytical research on prohibited substances in food supplements.
Food supplements included in the Cologne List® are covered by research to verify whether they contain substances relevant to anti-doping policies, such as anabolic steroids and stimulants not listed on packages of the analysed products.

DUOLIFE Vita C is available in two variants:

DUOLIFE Vita C is prepared in liquid form for direct consumption.
DUOLIFE Vita C Powder is prepared in a convenient form of sachets you can always carry around.

Better together – use DUOLIFE Vita C with DUOLIFE Vita C Powder and provide your body with a full ingredient spectrum. The liquid form allows you to use the full biological background in the form of fruit juices – sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The sachets are a treasure trove of concentrated active ingredients, in high portions for optimal absorption.   

See frequently asked questions:

Ingredients: rosehip juice, acerola fruit juice made of acerola fruit purée, 50:1 acerola (Malpighia glabra) fruit extract standardised for 50% vitamin C content, camu camu (Myrciaria dubia) berry extract.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

50 kcal / 215 kJ

< 0.1 g
of which: saturates
< 0.1 g

11.4 g
of which: sugars
3.53 g

< 0.5 g

< 0.3 g

0.007 g

Directions for use: 25 to 50 ml once a day before a meal. Shake each time before use. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. The product cannot be used as a substitute (replacement) for a varied diet. A balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Storage: store at room temperature, out of the reach of children. After opening, store in a refrigerator and consume within 30 days. Protect against direct sunlight. As the DUOLIFE food supplement is a natural product, its taste and consistency may vary between its individual batches, depending on the season and raw materials used in its production. Natural ingredients may develop sediment which is typical of such products. Shake before use to remove any sediment.

Care for the environment with DUOLIFE and sort waste!

After finishing the product, think about the environment. Throw the bottle, cap, label and sleeve into the appropriately designated waste containers. You can use the below table.

Environmental table:

Precautions: hypersensitivity to any of the product ingredients. Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding. If you have a chronic condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor before using the product.

Ingredient content in the daily dose of the product
25 ml
50 ml
Vitamin C
363.50 mg
727.00 mg

* NRV – Nutrient Reference Value for an average adult.

Net volume: 750 ml