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Special Bonuses for Committed DUOLIFE Club Members within the “Effective Growth” programme. It’s a programme like never before, and a unique opportunity to get a special Bonus: 1) up to 1,000,000 BP for the Promoted Person; 2) up to 100,000 BP for the Recommending Person. Details can be found HERE.
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15.68 USD

Collagen Body Butter is a firming and remodeling body butter, it helps to improve hydration, elasticity and increase skin elasticity. It is a composition of five forms of hyaluronic acid along with collagen, a complex of 8 plant extracts, acerola extract, avocado oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, betaine and urea encapsulated in the HyalFive 24/7 Nutri-Form™ formula.

Your price
38.40 USD
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