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Scientific Council

The Members of the Scientific Council are ones of the most titled experts in the fields of natural and academic medicine

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The purity and wisdom of nature
with the newest medical discoveries

The Members of the Scientific Council are ones of the most titled experts in the fields of natural and academic medicine, healthy lifestyle enthusiasts and people who have decided to share with others the knowledge they have been gaining for years.

Scientific Council

Creation of dietary supplements that combine the purity and wisdom of nature with he newest medical discoveries

Ph.D. (Hon.) Piotr Kardasz
Chair of the Scientific Council of DUOLIFE

Biologist, teacher, journalist. Author of many publications and films in this field, as well as scientific works on phytoremediation. Doctor honoris causa of the Kiev Medical University (KMU) and winner of the prize "Eureka 2003".

Co-Creator and Head of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Health Prophylaxis. Chair of the DUOLIFE Scientific Council It is the passion of his life to spread knowledge about healthy and responsible lifestyle and, consequently, to stimulate the desire to make conscious choices.

Members of the Scientific Council

Prof., hab. PhD
Mieczysław Pasowicz
Member of the DUOLIFE Scientific Council
President of the Polish Association of Hospital Directors, in the years 2005-2010 he was also a members of the Executive Board of International Forum Gastein – the biggest European forum of NGOs within the health sector.
Maria Bortel-Badura
Member of the DUOLIFE Scientific Council
Specialist in clinical pharmacology and internal disease doctor at the Medicine Department, Silesian Medical University in Katowice.
Prof., hab. MD
Waldemar Hładki
Member of the DUOLIFE Scientific Council
Associate Professor at the Chair of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy of Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University. University lecturer at the Medicine Department thereof.
Associate Prof., hab. DPharm
Ilona Kaczmarczyk-Żebrowska
Member of the DUOLIFE Scientific Council
Head of the Chair of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry at the Silesian Medical University, pharmacist, expert pharmacologist.
Witold Furgał
Member of the DUOLIFE Scientific Council
Medical doctor, specialist in internal diseases, sports medicine and medical rehabilitation. Dean of the Health Sciences Department, professor of Vincent Pol University in Lublin.
Prof., hab. PhD
Janusz Solski
Member of the DUOLIFE Scientific Council
Graduate of the Medical Academy in Lublin. Professor, habilitated doctor in pharmaceutical sciences, in the field of clinical analytics.
Prof., hab. MD
Andrzej Ziemba
Member of the DUOLIFE Scientific Council
During his professional career, Professor Andrzej Ziemba has managed numerous studies as part of international co-operation. The Professor has also published on the pages of specialised literature.

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