Already on March 28-30, 2025 Leadership Development Seminars will be held in Krakow! ASSIGN A TICKET TO AN EVENT PARTICIPANT! Prepare your ticket with QR code to enter the event! See you!

The Program Council

Constant development is a quality shared by all
companies that are consciously
following the way to the top.

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Raising skills and personal development
of the managerial staff

Raising skills and personal development of the managerial staff, employees and everyone working for the company is one of the primary rules we follow in DUOLIFE.

For this reason, we have founded Personal Excellence Network company, out of which, the Program Council was selected. It provides assistance and support in actions aiming at raising efficiency, personal and business development for everyone working with DUOLIFE.

The Program Council

Honored experts, enthusiasts, people eager to share knowledge with others

Joanna Gdaniec

Co-founder and President of the Personal Excellence Network

The creator of IMPROVsales. She introduced the difficult art of professional IMPROVISATION to business, when it was (and still is) innovative. Committed to the development of an innovative business model, known as SoftMarketing. She’s working with top leaders in organizations who rely their business on leadership and the principle of permanent development.

She is a woman of bold and wise heart, always putting people and their needs in the center. She supports and motivates, gives wings to those who want to take their business to a new level of value. Enthusiastically and with care, she tells leaders how to achieve above-average results in harmony with each other.

Beata Kapcewicz

Co-founder and President of the Personal Excellence Network

International Trainer, Coach, Speaker. The President of the Momentum Trainers Group and Librandt Board of Directors. The personal branding expert in TV channels: TVN BiŚ, TVP; in Rzeczpospolita, and and portals. She co-created the brands which have become nationally recognizable, including Career Architects and Librandt. She created and developed her own brand, Beata Kapcewicz, from invisible to strong and influential.

Every day she supports managements, managers, businessmen or coaches in changing their personal and professional life. Thanks to her unique competences she improves the results of big companies, groups and teams, and single persons who are ready to manage themselves and their success. In the last 14 years, nearly 50 thousand people took part in her training sessions, workshops and coachings.

Personal Excellence Network

You do not have to be great to get started, but you have to start to be great!