Beauty always comes from within – an interview with the authors of the concept of slow beauty!

Dear Club Members,
the concept of slow beauty used in our LAZIZAL® product brand is a path to timeless beauty. It goes beyond age limits and makes your beauty lasts forever, regardless of the circumstances.
In order to bring you closer to the concept of slow beauty, which not only encourages skin care, but also means the right approach to life, physical activity and philosophy, we present you a unique interview. We interview the authors of the concept of slow beauty: Beata Bruś-Spyra and Marzena Skowron, DuoLife Club Members. Get to know them better and find out what beauty really is!
Beata Bruś-Spyra
Specialist in the field of holistic approach to skin care. She gained knowledge at Akademia SPA & Wellness in Warszawa at the Academy of Physical Education and many training courses. Graduate of training in micronutrition, psychosomatic regeneration, intestinal diagnostics, cellular medicine, face and body care, natural cosmetics, and hirudotherapy. Educator and promoter of sylvotherapy. Certified slow jogging instructor. Participant and listener of many conferences on health. She gives lectures and talks for well-known companies, including cosmetic companies. She has successfully worked on the project to implement the French brand of natural cosmetics on the Polish market. The brand was awarded the “Golden Seal of Nature.”
Marzena Skowron
Cosmetologist, psycho-dietitian, educator and, most importantly, health promoter. Her interests include healthy lifestyle and natural cosmetics based on natural techniques used both today and in the previous eras of the history. Her professional training courses and workshops help women restore their natural beauty, perfect health and fitness. She uses a holistic approach that addresses all these issues. She believes that the interrelationship of a healthy mind, fit body and beautiful skin results from how we think about ourself, what we consume and what physical activity we do. Graduate of the prestigious Vitality Mentoring training and Vice President of the Prowitalni Foundation.
True beauty always comes from within – an interview with Beata Bruś-Spyra and Marzena Skowron, authors of the concept of slow beauty.
What is the concept of slow beauty about?
The basics are surprisingly simple. It is based on experience and observation. A human being who wants something more and, at the same time, something simple is what it is all about. Slow beauty is a revival of natural cosmetics, universal beauty and timeless, multifaceted natural care. Each era of the history brings us something new. As time speeds up, we come to realise we can use timeless means to bring out outer beauty. And, amazingly enough, a simple conclusion, already known in antiquity, is that true beauty always comes from within.
What are the basic components of this concept?
Basically, the concept of slow beauty assumes that you should be aware of your body, notice the changes it undergoes and how it reacts to various external and internal factors, observe, listen to your own rhythm and follow your intuition.
Slow beauty also helps us make conscious choices of natural methods and care products, including homemade products, as is often the case, combined with nutrition, physical activity that gives us pleasure, contact with nature and restorative sleep. The basic components of the concept are body, mind and spirit.
In fact, to be beautiful on the outside, we should take care of our inner beauty. This is an individual process, spread over time, that changes, for example, our nutrition habits and convictions. Internally, you may need to realise something, forgive yourself and others, love yourself and others, and simply live a complete, intentional life.
Does slow beauty require special rituals or the use of special products?
Well, not necessarily special. First and foremost, the rituals we use are simple, based on the conscious choice of the cosmetic, the method we use to take it off or apply it to the skin, etc. We don’t need any specialised equipment. We just need to revive the knowledge on tools and methods.
A ritual means something more than just a treatment. It is a prelude to magic. A body and face care ritual is multi-purpose. It is designed to satisfy many desires and make necessary adjustments. After all, nature has gifted us with the most perfect cosmetic device: our hands! Their warmth and touch can work wonders. Slow beauty means arranging and creating. It is about building your own framework.
In terms of special products, we should definitely choose products of the highest quality that have the appropriate certificates of naturalness. If you prepare a face mask or toner on your own, you have to know what you want to achieve. A spectacular change that happens very quickly needs to be continued. It takes much more time, but the effect lasts much longer and our body becomes healthy and beautiful from within. The wisdom of nature suggests different solutions. Being slow means being attentive to the suggestions and trying them out.
How have the approach to beauty and its definition changed over the centuries? And why?
The theory of beauty (Greek: kalos) was formulated by the ancient Greeks. Greeks used this term to describe both products of art and reality, i.e. the universe. Everything that stimulated the senses with its shape, structure as well as moral qualities and values was called beauty.
The idea of beauty has cultural implications. What one culture considers beautiful another may perceive as unattractive. How the standards of beauty have changed over the centuries is exactly seen in the works of the great masters of painting. For example, in ancient Egypt, a woman considered beautiful had a slim figure, a symmetrical face, a high waist and narrow shoulders. By contrast, the Italian Renaissance promoted full hips and bust, and fair skin. In the 1920s, women were supposed to have a boyish figure, poorly defined hips and small breasts. In the 1930s to 1950s, women had a hourglass figure with round hips and breasts. .
Quantum physics says that we already know everything there is to know about. We only need to recall it. How does this have to do with natural cosmetics? As we know, the term “cosmetics” comes from the Greek language and means the universe. A quantum physicist told us once that we are made of stardust. This sounds very intriguing. It shows the horizontal and multifaceted aspects of natural care of beauty. . St. Hildegard of Bingen was also impressed by the human being placed at the centre of the universe. In her work on cosmology, she explained the role of the elements through effective phytotherapy and human virtues.
Is there one way to achieve beauty? Is it even possible?
Asking questions is the essence of effective solutions. When you sit comfortably, breathe deeply and allow your thoughts to flow freely, you ask yourself: What will my next thought be? What colour will my next thought be? What taste? What smell? These questions will give you an idea of what is most beneficial for you at a given moment. Asking questions and listening to ourselves is a return to our roots, to care in the natural rhythm of the seasons with the use of the ingredients that support the body inside and out. These simple methods help you use your body’s potential and tell you how to take care of it.
Everything starts with slow and careful observation and reflection. You should start each day with greeting yourself in the mirror like your best friend. Your morning toilet based on slow beauty means you welcome the day with your favourite ritual, not hurrying. Everything, including the microbiome, with the stabilisation of the cell membrane – from beautifying from the inside to building an adequate protective barrier by microorganisms, also on the outside – gives us increased care to the resilience of the structure covering our entire body: the skin.
Is following the standards a good way to highlight one’s own qualities and beauty? How important is individualism?
Today’s times show great diversity, contrast and choice. There are plenty of ways to achieve the look of your dreams. Everything depends on your beliefs and world views, available resources and how much you want to fulfil your desire.
People who have adopted the concept of slow beauty have wide access to all the ingredients in their creative kitchen. They are always free to use what they feel, following their intuition, intention, desire and emotions. Beauty is something you can “compose” according to your nutritional or cosmetic needs at a particular moment. It depends on what taste, aroma and colour you desire and on the needs of your body, especially the skin.
How does the holistic approach translate into the category of beauty?
Slow beauty also means you realise that “everything is already there and you just need to recall it.” Thoughts and emotions play a pivotal role. When you dream of looking beautiful, you often see yourself healthy, happy, living in abundance and having pleasant appearance. Slow is the belief that you can create yourself from your dreamy look with lightness and ease, reduce the effects of passing time and afford well-being.
These perceptions are called mental rehearsal. Mental rehearsal takes place when you close your eyes and imagine an event, action or how you would like to be in the future. Dr Joe Dispenza described this process in detail in his book “You are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter.” This slow process based on slow reflection can turn out to be lightning fast.
Can beauty be “attained” in isolation from other dimensions or it requires holistic care of the body, both inside and out?
What is beauty in slow beauty? It is timeless beauty, with no age limits. It doesn’t matter if you are 20, 30 or 40+. Just stay in your own rhythm. Slow beauty means not only a conscious choice of natural methods and cosmetics for personal care, but also a diet suited to your age, physical activity that brings you joy, contact with nature and taking full advantage of it. It is about nurturing relationships with your loved ones and with yourself and about nurturing a child’s curiosity. It is about looking at your surroundings and arranging them so that you have space and peace of mind. So the question is: is it easy to achieve?
To encourage yourself, start with one small thing a day. Do it with love and gratitude. Feel that you do it for yourself and your beauty.
Finally, why exactly slow beauty?
Well, this concept is different because is diverse. You need to listen to yourself and your needs. A beautician or slow beauty consultant is just the wind for change, and only you ultimately know what you want. In this concept, we need to talk with our clients, agree on what we are working on and where we start so that they know how it works. Everything takes place on an individual basis. Slow beauty creation is a process.
Slow beauty is the way to longevity and a great quality of life. It promotes slow cosmetics as well as calm intuitive and natural care.
To sum up, slow beauty is an individualised and integrated process. It is about being open to follow your heart and listen to yourself. It is a personal success that everyone can achieve in their own time.
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