Journey to the roof of Africa - support the Help Furaha Foundation in climbing Kilimanjaro!


Dear Club Members,

join us and support the Help Furaha Foundation in its journey to the roof of Africa - Kilimanjaro!

This is a special time at the Help Furaha Foundation.

Kilimanjaro Help Furaha 2023 is a special project in which we firmly believe. In the year of the 10th anniversary of DUOLIFE, we can start something beautiful together. Our Club Members will face this challenge and reach the roof of Africa to initiate symbolically a fundraiser organized to build a modern Rehabilitation Center in Africa for children with cerebral palsy, autism spectrum and Down syndrome as early as 2023.

The participants are:

Maggie Ankowska and Paweł Kalbarczyk – Team My Medyk

Krzysztof Drabik - DUOLIFE Brand Ambassador

Krzysztof Drobny – International Director of DUOLIFE Club

See the presentation about the expedition and construction of the Rehabilitation Center.

During the last TFT, we supported the campaign on behalf of DUOLIFE with the amount of PLN 58,950 (PLN 10 for each meter of the mountain). We encourage you to participate in the online fundraiser (you will find the link below). Together we can do something really great because when a child laughs, the whole world laughs!

Journey to the roof of Africa - support the Help Furaha Foundation in starting the construction of the Rehabilitation Center!


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