Already on September 14-15, 2024 Today for Tomorrow | International Convention will take place in Gliwice! Pay and assign the ticket to an event participant! Prepare your ticket with QR code to enter PreZeroArena Gliwice! See you soon!

Build today for an exceptional tomorrow!


Dear Club Members,

the Today for Tomorrow (TFT) conference in September is a very important event for us! Do you have September 14-15, 2024 marked in your calendars? This is a unique opportunity to learn about new products and meet Dr. h. c. Piotr Kardasz, Co-Founders and recharge with positive energy from the Leaders of the DUOLIFE Club. We will celebrate DUOLIFE's 11th birthday! Be with us and let's celebrate this time together.

You cannot miss the most important point of the program - the session of the DUOLIFE Co-Founders. This will be a real hit of the conference, a groundbreaking speech that will go down in the history of our company.

Co-founders of DUOLIFE SA: Bartosz Królikowski, Łukasz Godyń, Norbert Janeczek and Piotr Pacyga will share with us their vision, experiences and plans for the future. Their speeches always electrify and motivate us to act, and this time they announce that they have something even more groundbreaking! You will learn what activities will constantly develop and support our Club Members.

At TFT you will have the opportunity to get to know the latest product from the DUOLIFE portfolio. Our invaluable experts will talk about it - Dr h.c. Piotr Kardasz and Dpharm Justyna Godyń. Supplementation from the inside and outside - this is the success of our products, join us and see for yourself!

One of the greatest advantages of the TFT conference are meetings with other DUOLIFE Club Members. This is a unique opportunity to exchange experiences, establish new contacts and be inspired by the successes of others. We invite you to a birthday party on Saturday evening! When was the last time you had fun with the DUOLIFE Club Top Leaders, Co-Founders and Experts? Each meeting is a dose of positive energy and motivation to act. Remember that nothing drives you to action like enthusiasm!

You just have to be here!

According to the letter of the law, the sale of tickets for DUOLIFE events is carried out by the organizer, i.e. the company DUOLIFE S.A. Zones: GB-GG-IM-JE-XI, UA i IT are operated by subsidiary companies, i.e. DUOLIFE Distribution GB, DUOLIFE UKR LLC i SRL Italia , therefore it is not possible to buy tickets directly from them.

To do so we encourage you to log into the PL zone and purchase the tickets directly from there.

To this end, log into your profile, go to the Club Member Zone tab → Account → Edit information → select "Poland" as country and save changes. Then, log in again and purchase the ticket in the "Upcoming events" tab.

Complete relogging instruction:

Ticket purchase via other markets remains the same.

We move with the times! #DUOLIFEGoUP

The translation was done by artificial intelligence. Consequently, the text may contain imprecisely translated phrases and concepts. With the development of the available AI tools, the quality of the translations will improve.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

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